- ✨New video is on Clara Ch. 雲母くらら!! Check it out💞 ASMR | グミ凍らせてみた Eating frozen Gummies AsmrEating ASMR gummies グミ 咀…
- 【宣伝】Vtuber/瀬波ルイさん( senami_rui )の新モデルのSDイラストをお仕立てしました!とっても可愛く描き上げましたの!髪型、表情お衣装、メガネ!差分が108枚ありますの!!全部可愛く描きました!いっぱい見てください…
- i actually think a tutorial livestream would be very helpful! there aren&039;t many tutorials in an anime esc style, only a couple. so it would help lots of begginers
- Schedule for this week: Wednesday, May 17th @ 7:30pm EST: Dimension 20 The Ravening War Episode 2 Watch Party, followed by Overwatch 2 w/ Followers. Friday, May 19th @ 8:30pm EST: Star Wars Jedi Survivor Finale(?) VTuber SCHEDULE
- 私の推しです ビジュがいい好き 歌みた待ってます👍🏻 ̖́- イラスト VTuber
- life as an oni has its ups and downs, but DAMN is it a fun time! 😜 🎨 by @/ketunoniku, thanks so much!! PNGTuber VTuberUpr…
- 👾 Model Reveal👾 Finally the time has come! I am ready to show myself to you! VtuberDebut ModelReveal ENVtuber Vtubers…
- Fanart Vtuber BR - mais uma fofura, jesse cabeçudinha ^^ e depois eu vi q dava pra fazer a jesse e a eeiris int…
- 멤버분들의 앞날을 응원하지만 너무 아쉽고 슬프다..
- 난 솔직히 뉴웨이브는 최소 3주년 정돈 갈 줄 알았어.. 이렇게 클린한 장르는 난생 처음이었거든요.. 논란 하나 안 터지고 멤버분들도 다 착하고 좋은 사람인게 보이고.. 그래서 파도단이랑 최소 3주년, 운이 좋아 길면 5~10주년 이상은 갈거라 생각했는데.. 이렇게 1년도 못 채우고 끝날 줄은..